Our North Central Section 99s awards are given each year at our annual Spring Business meeting. Chapters are encouraged to honor their most deserving members and supporters by nominating them for these awards. The nominations are submitted to the Section Directors, and in consultation with the Section Governor, they are reviewed for the final award selections. The awardees are announced at the Spring Banquet.
2025 Award nominations due March tba, 2025
Governor’s Service Award
This annual award honors a Ninety-Nine who exemplifies our mission and has provided continuous service to the Ninety-Nines organization.
Description / Nomination Instructions
Congratulations to our 2024 awardee: Sandy Denton, posthumously (Michigan)
Spinning Prop Award
This annual award recognizes a Ninety-Nine who logs the most general aviation hours in a one-year period. This award is given to encourage and promote more flying by our members.
Description / Nomination Instructions
Congratulations to our 2024 awardee: Trinity LaGrange (Iowa)
49½ Award
This annual award honors those who support the Ninety-Nines whether it be actively with a Chapter or individually by doing something as simple as letting out the dog and fending for themselves over the weekend while the Ninety-Nine is attending a Ninety-Nines activity.
Description / Nomination Instructions
Congratulations to our 2024 awardee: Michael Berry (Indiana Dunes)